Family Sessions

HAF2021 Family Sessions

Enjoying the programme together

We set out to deliver wider impact by engaging families in activities they wanted to do. In our consultation whilst planning the programme people asked us to deliver cook and eat sessions. As the programme developed we diversified our offering to also deliver stay and play sessions and supporting learning at home parent child sessions.

Cook and eat

We delivered some cook and eat sessions. One of the cook and eat guide books we made is shown below. We actually made the curry that is shown on the front cover. Children got to try courgette curry and aubergine curry. Parents got a few ideas about how to liven up vegetables in cooking for their children. The session was popular. The best bit was the eating!
Here are some of the dishes participants made.
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Supporting learning at home

These are small group sessions where we resolve barriers families face in bridging the learning gap created by school closures over the last year. We discuss practical measures such as creating a weekly timetable for activities and homework, social and emotional barriers to learning, and resolve disagreements about who is responsible for what aspects of a child's learning.

Stay and play

We invite parents to a stay and play session once a week. There our early years practitioner facilitates and support parent child play
We also run sessions for parents with disabled children, offering a range of child led play activities. 
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