Literacy & Reading

Literacy & Reading Engagement 

Reading Engagement 

Literacy is essential to enabling people to live independent, empowered lives. With so many young people struggling with reading we started a literacy programme. It quickly became clear to us that many young people we work with do not enjoy reading, so find it difficult developing their reading through practise. Also, parents told us that they did not feel confident and have enough time to support their children's reading at home. In 2023 we are working primarily with secondary school students during term time activities and with primary school students during our holiday clubs.

Our Literacy Club

We delivered a literacy club between August 2020 and January 2021 and were oversubscribed within 2 weeks. We served a total of 74 children and young people through a weekly, covid-secure provision, across 3 locations. We offered reading comprehension support co-designed with our participants to ensure rapid progress is made. We also supported 42 adults (parents and those looking for employment). Many of our participants developed their chronological reading age by up to 2 years, whilst for other we focused mainly on developing confidence. 

Oracy and confidence

Many of the challenges our beneficiaries face stem from low confidence. So we have been working on presentation skills and public speaking to help build confidence and improve oracy.

We are delighted that our beneficiaries are demonstrating excellent oracy and growing confidence in expressing themselves in a variety of role play situations.

We will continue to work with our beneficiaries to develop these strengths and apply that confidence in other activities. 

You can read more about the development of this programme and the pilot here

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