
HAF2021 Catch-up

Overcoming barriers to learning.

We want participants to accelerate their learning to bridge some of gaps they developed over the last year. We also set out to help participants get more out of other opportunities to learn and get support for learning.

We're helping children and young people catch up with lost learning and develop more confidence academically. We do this by helping them address underlying barriers to achievement, build self belief and confidence, and teach literacy and maths. We are working very hard to help children understand the link between effort and reward as part of developing a growth mindset.

We also organised a series of career presentations from scientists and business owners, which explored the link between resilience and career success. The first presentation was from Dr Kirsty Pringle, an air pollution expert, who discussed the challenges she had to overcome in her career to achieve her research objectives.  Further presentations were delivered by Tracey and Mohammed, who ran successful businesses in finance sector and textile industry respectively.
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The literacy work is mainly focused on oracy development, building confidence by speaking in front of a group. We are working on building vocabulary, reducing use of slang and colloquialisms, and peer to peer reading support. We are also using Edward de Bono's Direct Attention Thinking Tools and other lateral thinking techniques to help children think on their feet.
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For maths we are working on using self regulation techniques to improve resilience in mathematical problem solving. After diagnostic assessments we felt this was the best way to accelerate learning productivity. This is also contributing to an authentic learning climate where we use higher level discourse to challenge and support students thinking around effort and reward. 
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For healthy living we are looking at equipping children with some tools to reduce stress and anxiety. This includes providing opportunities for children to feel in control by co-creating this programme and accessing developmental support to implement their choices.  
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