Academic results

Academic Results

We serve some of the most deprived areas in England, where some schools struggle to meet local authority and national average standard, yet we generate fantastic results.

Overall Results

Our GCSE results are displayed below. Students rate of progress (in maths), during their time with us averaged, at 2.2 grades/year for FSM and SEND students and 2.5 grades/year for all other students, five times higher than their average progress at school between year 6 and the time they joined us.  Progress in English is 3.0 grades/year for FSM and SEND students and 1.7 grades/year for all other students. Progress in science is typically 0.7 grades/year for FSM and SEND students and 1.7 grades/year for all others. Science is usually an addition to the English and Maths programme rather than stand alone tuition. We use our specialised techniques to accelerate learning. Some of that progress is also attributable to schools, where progress tends to increase during key stage 4.

Contextual information: 57% of our students are eligible for FSM or have SEND, 14% have EAL needs.

Key stage 2 SATs results
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